RE:RE:43-101 Big Surprize ..yay, they don"t need any fancy metal detector , anything that looks Green is in the money,.The news release here explains the in-fill drilling..
..On slide , the yellow dots are new drill targets which are infilling around old black dots. The spacing between old black dots of a 100m lays out a nice open-pit in the makings' With confirmation of new in-fill holes showing similar copper grades then we could see a healthy 43-101
.The bulk sampling through the seperator will confirm process of sorting and Lab testing could reach higher grading..
..PS notice on slide at 2200n old black hole 97,02 which 6.84 meters of 8.98% copper..This hole if extended will raise the Bar scale..In terms of size,.....The average chair your sitting on below your seat is roughly 2x 2.5 x2.5 feet which equals 12.5 cubic feet..Back of cuff here, 12.5 cubic feet of ore, depending on density, equals One Ton of weight The news of 8.89 % copper would then equal 180 pounds of copper per ton..
..In other words, under your chair is 180 lbs x $ 4. or $ 720. Due you feel it !!! Definition Drilling
The resource definition program is initially focusing on defining potential shallow resources within the 2750N Zone (Figure 1). The first drill hole (ST22-01) is now underway.
Historical drilling within the 2750N Zone has encountered thick intervals of high-grade copper mineralization, including 110m core length at 2.45% Cu from surface (drill hole ST97-08), and 56.3m core length @ 3.07% Cu from 12.2m (drill hole ST99-19). Given the significant width of these intervals and the distance between drill holes (>100m), extension and infill drilling in the 2750N Zone provides an opportunity to quickly define large volumes of additional copper mineralization.
Figure 1: Plan view of the 2750N and 2200N zones and surrounding areas. Copper gossans, shallow FLEM anomalies, and previous and planned drilling are shown overlaying aerial photography.
Drilling is also planned at the 4100N and 2200N zones. Over 1,700m of drilling is planned in this program, with hole depths between 100m and150m due to the shallow nature of mineralization. Table 1 shows drill hole details for ST22-01. The order for drilling of further holes will be selected based on drill results and logistics.