RE:RE:July 20 RBC "Quick Look" - CVE PreQ2NET DEBT
End Q1 = CAD8.4 bln
End Q2 = ~CAD6.4 hopefully
End Q3 = ~CAD4.0 if commodity prices stay elevated which is CVE's stated floor and they stop net debt reduction.
They just tripled it but still low, and CVE says "with capacity to grow at USD45 WTI" so we may see another small boost.
CVE announced that "excess free funds flow" to share buybacks while share price is below "mid-cycle pricing", they stopped at end Apr so assume they hit that share price.
Given no buybacks for all May and H1 June I'd say could be good Var Div annouced at Q2 (or surprise earlier to hurt shorts), at least same as Base Div.
Just my 2 cents.