RHC acquires IHC, can now focus on Climax & Steveille feilds Royal Helium Ltd. (RHC.v RHCCF) is trading in the green after announcing the closing of its previously announced acquisition of Imperial (IHC) today.
With this $RHC acquired all of the issued and outstanding IHC shares in exchange for common RHC on the basis of 0.614 of an RHC share for each IHC Share.
RHC's CEO commented that with the acquisition completed, the company can now fully focus on commercializing its Climax helium fields and its newly acquired Steveville helium fields.
More here: https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/news/royal-helium-ltd-imperial-helium-123000243.html
RHC @ $0.325, MC $46.391M