Rubles and ScruplesMan o' man, not sure if it's good for my own moniker to be blocking lone d'woofster, but had to do it. Speaking of nonsensical bears and anti-berriests, the thinly veiled and not so thinly veiled bears, FUDlers and trollsters over at ST are out in full force. They be grasping on to the weakest disinformation antics and doubt creation. There's a feller who goes by Awander that is particularly pathetic. Makes the annoying Chow appear honest in comparison. My take is the negativity is all very positive. These fellers and/or whomever may be sending them want your shares. People who come out to complain about specific tickers on the hour are either bears, trolls or folks who want to get in on the cheap. Of course, they care only about rubles and have no scruples. So be it.