Pyrogenesis has grown to115-120 employees
which is the number where a separation of trained workers will occur...35 will go on to staff a brand new division ...This division will grow to the same mass and then divide in similar numbers to start another new division....85 to 125 (max) employees is the best performing and efficient manageable amount....Each time a critical mass of 125 max is reached a new division will be born starting with a minimum of 35 experienced in-house trained staff.....The master plan is in place ...the orders are coming ....we could see $1 billion in a heartbeat and a lot more sales /contracts to make that $ billions of dollars of revenue this year, not years from now !... this year 2022 and as far as the eye can see....My predictions of $ billions in earnings are coming true....I will be exonerated and then be called a visionary, a genius, a guru , stock picker extraordinary who shared the truth....hallelujah ! ...thank me later dear sheeple.....uncleron is always right !..cheers.....News please Peter $$$$$$$