Can someone help me out in explaining ATH's debt numbers ?
Here is a quote from their Q2 report.
- Significant Deleveraging: Redeemed $167 million (US$131 million) in Term Debt year to date, achieving 75% of US$175 million debt reduction target which is anticipated to be reached in H1 2023. The Company has low Net Debt of ~$100 million and expects to be in a Net Cash position before year end.
They say they have paid down $131million USD of Term debt in H1 2022. They next say they will meet their debt reduction target in H1 2023. They next say they have low Net Debt of $100CDN million ($78USD million).
So if they paid down $131 million USD in the first half of 2022 then why can't they pay off $78 million USD in the 2nd half of 2022 ?