RE:Canopy and AcreageSo I agree that CGC is oversold and renegotiating the Acg deal was needed. I also agree Constellation is an established well run company. Is it possible they payed to much up front..yes, nobody is perfect. Would recovering that initial investment by loaning money to CGC for pennies a share pave the way to full ownership at a fraction of the original projected cost...yes it would. Is this a decision a savvy board would take...likely. I would compare this situation to exactly that of Hexo and Tlry. Tlry is making money on the way down on loan interest and by converting debt into cheap hexo shares. Currently Tlry now owns 48% of Hexo assests....sound familiar? Acg share value is tied to CGC so getting more shares of CGC cheap = more shares of Acg cheap, so again saving money and recovering some more of that initial investment and buying time until full legalization. Noone knows how full legalization will look for mult state commerce and there in lies the greatest risk for MSOs, ensuring share price of Acg stays low not only saves money, by buying time it allows for an exit strategy if required and legalization does not work out as planned. Constellation were to quick to pull the trigger in Canada, they will not make the same mistake twice, if I were a betting man everything they are doing now is mitigation on the initial investment and patience for the rules to be rolled out before they pull the trigger on Acg, if Acg were to get distressed I'm sure a loan can be arranged and eventual cheap share swap for notes down the road....sound familiar again?