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Birchcliff Energy Ltd T.BIR

Alternate Symbol(s):  BIREF

Birchcliff Energy Ltd. is a Canada-based intermediate oil and natural gas company. The Company is engaged in the exploration for and the development, production and acquisition of oil and gas reserves in Western Canada. The Company’s operations are focused on the Montney/Doig Resource Play in Alberta. Its operations are concentrated in the Peace River Arch area of Alberta. The Company has a 100% working interest in its Pouce Coupe Gas Plant and two oil batteries, as well as various working interests in numerous other gas plants, oil batteries, compressors, facilities and infrastructure. Its Pouce Coupe Gas Plant, which is licensed to process up to 340 million cubic feet per day (MMcf/d) of natural gas, is located in the heart of the Corporation's Montney/Doig Resource Play.

TSX:BIR - Post by User

Post by Barkison Aug 03, 2022 4:12am
Post# 34867380

Here is my hope for you - Love Mrs Barkis

Here is my hope for you - Love Mrs Barkis
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