The Emperor Has No Clothes Department. Politicians, Banksters and Stock Pimps can play silly buggers with numbers all they like but the facts indicate less oil for more people. Finite oil for infinite demand.
Large Canadian producers are returning 100% of free cash to shareholders - oil sands producers with long term reserves. Lack of access to capital and anti-oil sentiment also impedes oil growth.
The ATM crowd want you to believe that their shenanigans are indicative of the 'market' but the consequences of a lack of interest in the oil market for various reasons will create a significant return of generalists when they realise the Emperor has no clothes and the oil producers are flush with cash for decades.
Recession, depression, correction, war, interest rates, bond rates, there are many reasons not to buy. There is only one reason to buy - profit. When profit becomes apparent, the noise will die and the price/yield dynamic will rule.