This will put another stake through high NG prices
Permian’s Natural Gas Takeaway Capacity Set To Rise! NG has so much production from being a byproduct of Oil wells and NG wells that NG will be at $2 by the middle towards the end of 2023 because all this extra production that's going on combined with a global recession is going to be the killer to high prices. Oil production is also increasing from additional wells coming online daily and Oil is faced with the same headwinds. Now when Oil rebounds to $90+ Oil it'll seem high and today we are at a 23-week level that hasn't been seen since the Russia war started so that whole $100+ Oil has been wiped out like it never happened. How many analysts are walking around Wall St with their head hanging low after saying that Oil will stay above $100 for the year and just get used to higher Oil. lol
Permian’s Natural Gas Takeaway Capacity Set To Rise!