RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:SCAM SCAM SCAM actually Henry you said that nxo was no different then the little private IT company...You knew facts about your little IT company like how many employees,,,exactly...U ramble on and dilute,,,,and ratonalize that this is actually a factual one fact....not suposition....I get it you treat this as a lottery ticket....But you have zero information on have exact information on your little IT investeed in the TRANSPARENCY of your little IT company....somehow the BS of NXO you ignore....If it falls big deal....but you base your buy on no fact, no earnings, no proof RG has contracts promised....So at least your honest bought BS hoping it turns into something....and you dont kiss the aaaaassss of the Chairman of NXO who markets like a huckster in a Utbube video...and flunks the test of credibility