RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Cronin had no product, no legit NR’s 2 times the share priceThis has clearly been manipulated for a long time now. I keep asking why. Why would anyone be so adamant and dedicated to pushing this stock down. Is it just the disgruntled like Carl Cag or maybe just shorters making a buck over our misery or is this being played down for a cheap takeover. I get Carl. He is just a vindictive loser that couldn't let go because he got let go. Get over it Carl! It is true shorters have had a field day with our stock over the years and have made a pile of money doing so. Not many shorters left now though but the bashing continues. Could it be we are being held down for a cheap buyout. I can't rule that out. I would think we would look pretty good under the belt of a questionable company like Evolve. They have a product that is garbage. Wouldn't it be nice to shore up their technology with a cheap company like Pat. They have the backing to do it. Just saying. Nothing has felt right about how focused these paid bashers have been with Pat. It seems like if you have big bucks to back you up you can get away with anything.