Still No Answers, Not Even One ...Before anyone invests, a few questions... - what's up with the Hindenburg piece. They are a solid analytical house, so is their piece fake news?
- also, what about the recent Seeking Alpha story NEXCF Continue to Underdeliver ?? posted below
- No $ details in last PR? Why? Loss leader? SHOP has dozens of other 3d vendors IMO testing their wares (WIMI is one IMO)
The company’s Q1 2022 revenues slumped by 54.9% year-on-year to $2.7 million, and cash used in operating activities was $4.2 million.
Cash and cash equivalent were $8.2 million at the end of March, and I think it’s likely that more stock dilution is coming before the end of 2022.
However, the market valuation of NexTech has doubled over the past month, and it seems unlikely the reason for this is a short squeeze.
In my view, this could be a good time to open a small short position and the short borrow fee rate is 16.17%.
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- why is CEO dumping shares? He buys one week then sells? No faith IMO
- Is this a vacuum company or pet store? C'mon... Immaterial 3d revenues; vacuums and pets are 80-% of already low revenue IMO
- IMO financials show ntar is approaching insolvency without lifeline IMO! Let's look for going-concern note.
- What of the promises of Nasdaq? Dilution imminent? Downlisted soon due to $1 rule?
- very sketchy is what they say on Discord IMO, touting is illegal in US yet PRs are fluff and endless; why so many PRs?
- 100 promo videos a week? Is there time for ceo to go to the washroom?
- No IP? IMO does not seem to own any IP. Does NTAR pay license fees to IP holder? Let's see. no customer company wants to buy from a company UNLESS a company owns its own IP or licenses!
- F/S's suggest negative margins and loss leader sales.
- Trend of horrible financials MO
- Is Yahoo! BB a boileroom? Is this? MO