New ‘profitable products’? How do you know something is profitable before you even get numbers in?
So Booman says Hexo has cut non profitable ones end - and replaced with profitable ones? But he doesn't want to tell anybody?
He gave this interview in July - he says Hexo will release this news 'in its 4th quarter'.
The guy obviously doesn't know July 31 is Hexos end of its 4th. quarter.
That aside, why would you 'hold onto' positive news? It's a big secret - and gosh, Hexo doesn't need the market in on good news.
Hexo IR hasn't issued a new Quartely presentation on its website since the end of the first quarter - Hexo investors are screwed.
"he cuts have gone beyond personnel. Bowman has also dropped products which didn't make any money and replaced them with profitable items.
He would not give specifics about what products or lines of business he targeted because the company plans to publicize its new goals during its fourth quarter."