RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:September expectations It's on both. For Mary Crowley search under trials for the molecular target Sort1 and it shows up. The original trial announcement i Pennsylvania Cancer still shows up on their site if you search Theratechnologies. I believe we heard anecdotally from Juniper that the oncologist at Karmanos (Winer) said enrollment at his center was going well and he expected the total number of patients to be included in the trial to be more than the 75. That was then confirmed by PL.
It sounds like THTX has now created a Cancer Advisory Group internally and this was talked about in the call. I would assume they are convened to review and discuss all the key aspects of the program from THTX's perspective. I don't know the full composition but PL mentioned Arena and Rothemberg on it. I would assume it also has at least Belevieux and maybe Annabi from UQAM and obviously CEO and CMO. I think we can assume they are overseeing all these issues pretty comprehensive.y and with many voices sharing their opinions and experience.
jfm1330 wrote: That being said, I went to Gettysburg and Mary Crowley websites. I did find any info on TH1902 trial. It is not listed, even with the search engine I could not find it. Not the best way to recruit patients.
jfm1330 wrote: One thing we know is that they said that the efficacy signs from phase Ia are helping them to recruit patients for phase II. They said that in the CC. The more the doctors will see signs of efficacy, the more they will tend to suggest TH1902 trial to their patient. Your story with Dr Shah seems to be a good example of that.
SPCEO1 wrote: The timing on cancer news depends a lot on the pace of enrollment and we have no info on that.
LouisW wrote: I would expect mid October prior to the Financial meeting rather than September to annoumce the result...Moreover, i also expect to hear news regarding water availability, F8 BLA, Trogarzo IV progress, IM pogress and maybe NASH partnership.