RE:Anyone remember John Embry ?HEY, if its making money and the stocks move up, why not. ERIC right now is the OIL GURU. he does his homework and we all benefit. BUT, even at this point its hard not to pick a winner, HWX, TVE, MEG, BTE, ENP, CJ, LOU( 6 months out) eric is holding this and has high expectations, there are many others. OIL has dipped, it will return to the 100.00 range, there is to much demand and lack of supply. PERIOD. CJ has all the ingredients cooking. TARGET is 14.00. DIVIDEND is 7.5% . WHAT a gift. They will drill lots of wells coming up, more earnings and maybe higher dividends, .06 cents is my bet. This should propel the stock into the 10.00 range PLUS. ALL OILS are VERY CHEAP right now. CJ IS A GEM. firing on all cylinders.