RE:Port aux Basques (a number of companies) & 2000 jobs lol such nonsense. I am all in for Atlas and think shareholders will continue to benefit from the salt resource. This said the provincial gov have been the worst in every way. 1. The moratorium on wind development has been criminal. In a province with such debt and high unemployment to have that moratorium on that wind development was insane. 2. The NL gov in its wisdom (lol) still has a moratorium on fracking on the west coast. NL has several fantastic oil / gas potentials for multi billion barrels potential. So, in summary anything the NL gov is involved in run for the hills. This green energy project / potential is a minimum a decade away, even assuming a real investor with real cash. Chances are it will all be based on gov both fed and provincial monies for anyone to invest there. Those companies mentioned are there because of the FREE money the stupid Trudeau gov is giving away. So, while I am enjoying the ride re Atlas having gotten shares on the Vulcan spin off and having bought more at .04 cents and having loaded up on Vulcan shares shortly after the spin-off I have zero percent enthusiasm on anything the NL gov is involved in. This green is simply not efficient so it will not work out.