Big Pharma & Optimized Patients CR%...A Big Pharma that will try to strike a deal with TLT will first ask TLT, what will be the more exact CR% of patients that will be treated with TLT ACT(anti-cancer treatment)?
The answer will be the Optimized Patients CR%.
Let's have a look at the 18 Optimized patients 90 days CR% results.
3Q2021 Newsletter (Nov 29, 2021).
Complete Response(CR)........8 Patients....44%.
Partial Response(PR)..............2 " ....11%.
Pending ...................................7 " ....39%.
No Response(NR)....................1 " ..... 6%.
The 44% CR% is for 18 Patients, in order to have a more accurate CR% you have to substract the 7 Pending patients.
18 patients - 7 Pending patients = 11 patients that have received their 90 days results.
The more appropriate CR% is, 8 CR patients out of 11 patients = 73% CR.
- TLT said " Once a patient has obtained CR(Complete Response) the duration of the response remain fairly the same".
A Big Pharma will have to agree that considering that TLT ACT(Anti-cancer treatment) is treating only patients that have failed all other treatments, anything over 60%CR is huge.
As TLT will polish its treatment protocol, two things will happen.
1) The CR%(73%) will get better & better.
2) In the future , only one treatment could be necessary to achieve a CR(Complete Response), making TLT treatment more affordable.
As a bonus TLT seem to have a good shot at a Universal Covid-19 Vaccine.