RE:RE:RE:Bigsillyman wants his investment back"You did nothing for AXU and shareholders but $hit on us and the company." "Preteding to be of any help is just you being a bigger d ick head than you already are."
That's actually totally false. It's useful to base criticism on fact. I also do not indulge in strident personal attacks and insults and if attacked I respond in a fact-based civilized manner rather than emotional outbursts. Over the last 15 years I have been overwhelmingly very positive about AXR/AXU. The posts are there for anyone to see. For the last little while I posed questions about the quality and timeliness of information we were getting, which was lacking since early this year, yet even then I noted positive indications of the company's progress.
In fact, they went from $2.50 share price, no financing needed for the next year and ramping up to cash self-sufficient in Q1 2022, to two financings in early 2022, to ramping up and guidance to follow, to no guidance, to shutting down because of insufficient feed and a restart late 2022 to cash flow positive early 2023, to surprise: 'We sold', and 47 cents is a good deal because HL has experience in 'high grade narrow vein silver mining'.
But again, I would refer you to your post of 6/13/22 (it did get 3 upvotes), in which you helpfully list the money raises for the last 3 years (107 Million dollars):
mattbigham 6/13/22: "Since Covid restrictions are no longer punishing the company and it is summer in the Yukon I expect the company's management to meet production expectations and be cash flow positive.
Otherwise,I see First Majestic is three booths over again at PDAC and Clynt might want to get some tips from a successful mine builder and producer."
As for the 22.80 price of HL in 1987, which was not the all-time high, why not go back to 1983 when it was over $26? I chose 'in the last 30 years'. Anyway, 30 years ago HL had 35 million shares out; they have 535 million out now.
What does it mean? Not a lot when you compare- silver was 4.50, gold was 375, reserves were lower, etc etc. The shares have been as low as 50 cents in 2000 (with 66 million shares out) within that timeframe so there are general market considerations too. As you can see, I have studied my Hecla, as well as AXR/AXU (and its precedents as noted in my many previous posts).
And as noted on my recent post 'I do have hopes for Hecla itself, as a long-time established producer ...', and on the HL board 7/27/22: 'As a future holder of HL, assuming the 'deal' closes in September, due to the Alexco fiasco/disaster I like the prospects of Hecla too, especially because the sentiment in the gold/silver sector is low, the COTs where almost nobody is long, and HL having been at recent lows.
Enjoy facts.