Downsizing was all pre-planned by RobRob Anson, CEO of Fobi stated, With the launch of our Fobi Digital Agency and PaaS revenue / business model, this marks an important and key milestone for the company. Due to the numerous successful strategic acquisitions we have made over the last 18 months we drastically ramped up and increased the size and capacity of our engineering team. As a result of this significant investment and ramp up we have been able to successfully complete all of the needed integration work which has put us in a position of strength as we are now able to deliver a completely unified and interoperable tech stack. Due to the forward-looking and strategic engineering design and architecture of our tech stack, we now greatly benefit from the ability to launch and maintain our various platforms with a more streamlined and very cost-efficient engineering team. We have been working on the transition and focus of the company over the last several months and as a result we have been able to go long and narrow while drastically reducing our operational burn rate. With this, there has been a shift in our teams focus to direct sales and revenue growth through our new digital agency and PaaS business and revenue model.