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Blackwolf Copper and Gold Ltd BWCGF

Primary Symbol: V.BWCG

Blackwolf Copper and Gold Ltd. is a mineral exploration and development company focused on base and precious metal projects located in Alaska and British Columbia. It holds a 100% interest in the high-grade Niblack copper-gold-zinc-silver VMS project, located adjacent to tidewater in southeast Alaska, as well as six Hyder Area gold-silver and base metal properties in southeast Alaska and northwest British Columbia in the Golden Triangle, including the Cantoo and Harry properties. The Niblack copper-gold-zinc-silver project is located on Prince of Wales Island in southeast Alaska. The project covers approximately 6,200-acres, including 250 acres of patented land. The Hyder Properties are composed of five claim blocks (Cantoo, Mineral Hill, Texas Creek, Casey, Harry, and Rooster) located within the Golden Triangle and adjacent to the Alaska/British Columbia boarder. The Cantoo Property is a 513-hectare (ha) area comprised of about 63 claims. The Mineral Hill Property is a 502-ha area.

TSXV:BWCG - Post by User

Post by JJinFLAon Aug 24, 2022 9:06am
Post# 34916528

Blackwolf Copper and Gold CEO WEBINAR Tomorrow

Blackwolf Copper and Gold CEO WEBINAR Tomorrow
CEORoadShow 2022 Webinar Series Presents
Blackwolf Copper and Gold Ltd.
Open Registration - Live Webinar Tomorrow

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