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Canopy Growth Corp T.WEED

Alternate Symbol(s):  T.WEED.DB | CGC

Canopy Growth Corporation is a cannabis company. It delivers innovative products with a focus on premium and mainstream cannabis brands, including Doja, 7ACRES, Tweed, and Deep Space, in addition to category-defining vaporizer technology made in Germany by Storz & Bickel. The principal activities of the Company are the production, distribution and sale of a diverse range of cannabis and cannabinoid-based products for both adult-use and medical purposes under a portfolio of distinct brands in Canada. Its Canada cannabis segment includes the production, distribution, and sale of a range of cannabis, hemp, and cannabis related products in Canada. International markets cannabis segment includes the production, distribution, and sale of a range of cannabis and hemp products internationally. Storz & Bickel segment includes the production, distribution, and sale of vaporizers. This Works segment includes the production, distribution and sale of beauty, skincare, wellness and sleep products.

TSX:WEED - Post by User

Post by quinlashon Aug 24, 2022 1:01pm
Post# 34917506

Quinlash vs. Quin1ash (different Forum Users)

Quinlash vs. Quin1ash (different Forum Users)
Just FYI, I have my own fan-base of Trolls, Quin1ash being the most pathetic. 

Always do your own Due Diligence when investing and be sure to set targets, timelimes etc ahead of any trade.
As for Quin1ash….  All I can say is that “Imitation is the sincerest form of Flattery”  ;)

Best Regards

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