RE:Thanks steve.... You're no where near bright enough for anyone to care where you waste your money. The posts are for those who are looking for the realities of an organization before they buy into it. There's Labs and Vapes to liquidate; vapes is the only revenue stream that they've ever had that has a reasonable chance to break even and that's what's going next... I would expect you to think that's a good idea because you also believe buying a company on the verge of bankruptcy with no positive cash flow in the foreseeable future as being a good idea.
Those bags are getting heavy for a little man :)
Mostawesomest wrote: For letting tasker have the light, does selling assets always negatively impact shareholders? Nope...sure its unfortunate to see a failed revenue stream get sold off at a loss and we all know your fondness to go on about that at length but selling an asset off at a loss is still preferable to carrying on with sustained losses is it not? Let the infection spread or cut off the leg? Go you though, so savvy...volume bump I'm buying...dip on asset sale or PP? I'm buying...i revel in how my willingness to throw money at this frustrates you...and the amount of your time I can occupy with my for me monkey :-)