RE:Well we know why we are under a dime What nonsense! As no investor would have any idea about these financials there is absolutely no relationship between these and the current sp.
In fact you fail to include one of the most significant comments in the MD&A from the sedar filings which among other things includes the following statement:
"The Company has historically primarily financed its operations through the issuance of common shares and warrants, but operations were profitable in recent periods. Also, the management focused on improving sales and reducing operating costs.
Not only that but they are buying back shares.
As for covid revenues, with a Fall/Winter surge predicted this revenue stream will continue in the near term which, arguably, will support the expansion of their more longterm interests. Yes, we shall see.
GLTE ...holding (or buying) patiently!!!
swyint123888 wrote: Q2 according to Sedar
AI revs 685,000....this is very concerning as we are a AI company
Covid 6.9 million about in line
1.5 million in salary and consulting fees
1.3 million net loss
It's all becoming more clear to me...... what this terrible report tells you is your business.....letsw see what the new verticals do by next summer