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Royal Helium Ltd. V.RHC

Alternate Symbol(s):  RHCCF | V.RHC.WT.A | V.RHC.WT.B

Royal Helium Ltd. is a Canada-based company, with a primary focus on the production and development of helium and associated gases and is currently producing helium from its Steveville project in Southern Alberta. Its helium reservoir at Steveville is carried primarily with nitrogen. Nitrogen is not a greenhouse gas (GHG) and therefore have a low GHG footprint when compared to plants in other jurisdictions that rely on large scale natural gas production for helium extraction.

TSXV:RHC - Post by User

Post by StockHawk1on Aug 26, 2022 5:20pm
Post# 34923666

RHC summer developments and fall/2023 potential catalysts

RHC summer developments and fall/2023 potential catalysts

Royal Helium Ltd. (RHC.v RHCCF) has had a lot of positive developments this summer including:

- 84.9 Mg/L Lithium sampled from its Climax Helium Project

- Appointment of a new Chief Operating Officer

- Gained potential to receive $4.2M in tax credits 

- Acquired Imperial Helium Corp.

With all this we can expect several potential catalysts for the fall and going forward into 2023:

- Approval of lithium mineral rights for climax project & subsequent lithium exploration/extraction work on the Climax project 

- Development of its newly acquired projects from IHC

- Possibility of Climax being brought on to helium production

More info here:

RHC @ $0.38

MC $78.511M

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