Investor10X wrote: We have quite the gathering of whiners on this board. swynt, dirtydzn, Iampothead, asstutien, shlinker.
Still waiting for some actually numbers or comparable companies to dispute my financial claims. But since I know that will never happen, I stocked up on some cheese for you guys.
Have a nice weekend boys or girls or whatever you want to be called and let the whining continue. : )
Shlinker, here's inviolablespirit's response to your cash burn claim again since you failed to comprehend it the first time. No worries, I posted it very slowly so you could understand it better.
inviolablspirit wrote: There's nothing to spin, the numbers are what they say they are. Explain how you see a cash burn using the financials statements that are available for all to see. You can't!
The company went from a $1 357 832 loss last quarter to a $5 282 total loss after 6 months ended. Where's the cash burn? They reduced their loss to zero, as $5000 is a negligible number.
The company had $15.4 million in cash on Dec. 31, 2021 and as of June 30, 2022 they had $14.9 million. You call a difference of $500 000 a cash burn over 6 months??? lol. What a joke!!
You guys are certainly good for a laugh. Do you honeslty believe that anyone actually considers your posts to be credible?
and here's his response to you wanting him to check a later financial statement regarding cash burn.
inviolablspirit wrote: If you were to go back another year to Dec. 31, 2020 then the cash and cash equivalents was $1.97 million so the company has added $12.93 million into it's bank account. That's certainly not a cash burn! That's cash accumulation! So where is this cash burn????
So if you're going to continue to make that claim, let's see the numbers! Yeah, just as I thought, you have NOTHING!!!