surething1111 wrote: BuccneerIslnd wrote: You need to shape up. A 57$B market cap for a 4500 tpd producer?
Show me a minco that can do that and I will wear pink panties.
Know nothing.
Go back to your Economics 101 book and do some reading in chapter 11. Learn a little about intrinsic value.
Something about future earnings, long term dividends, share buybacts etc. Without it most oil companies would be worthless.........but we both know that NAV is a paper exercise don't we.
Nfg future market cap may not be 57 Billion, but 12- 15 is certainly in the realm of possibility.
One thing to know is with 14 drills turning, massive core facilities, and proposed road infrastructure planned, something very large is underway.
It's a damn good thing that management doesn't entertain nickle and dime publications such as Crux, or they'd be folding up shop right now ;)
Oh, speaking of oil,......I actually ponied up a little money this AM and bought a small chunk of tou. Got in a little over 76........thanks buddy