An updateI realize most of my posts happen on the private discord (invite only), however lots of the uninvited keep sending me pm requesting my take on the tire fire that is tko..... So here ya go The bottom line Ole slew has received a lot of PM's requesting my analysis. Just getting over my 6 the bout of COVID. Feeling strong 4 sure. Buckle up folks.... Cash balance at end of Q1 was 213 mill. At end of Q2 it's 176.... 27 mill was blown on Florence so at an average cu Price of $4.08 tko was cash negative by 10 million in Q2. Ouch. Also they sold 1.2 million lbs more than production, thus the real cash loss was $16 million. Gibralter is a boat anchor . Break even looks like $4.50/ lb. That is why sp is in the toilet. Tko have stated they are not spending anymore on Florence until permit is in hand .... So much for the 4 sure thing lol... Best case is Florence is three years away from production. Worst case is no permit and gibralter in care and maintenance.... Much better plays out there. Btw ngas stocks are reaching new 52 week highs. And geeesh the board is quiet, so maybe most of u have made a smart move elsewhere. Ole slews cubs report. Ncu As predicted, out of cash and nearing BP, ame... lol.... Not sure this is even a company, but the mother lode is near lol, bwcg.... lol... 2.7 in cash, ... The last time they had 2.5 mill they blew it on only 500 k in actually drilling, the rest looks like it went to the painting crew in the garage