The Golden Frog
So, ribbit croaks out its oh so successful investment philosophy. Don't know how we've made it this far in life without these pearls of wisdom.
As usual, the frog fails to address the issues:
1. Why the perpetual croaking of Barrick's interest when Bristow has clearly said the opposite? Barrick has some exploration projects in Canada, has even mentioned that Hemlo might be re-opened, but "looked at" a number of takeover possibilities in Canada last year, NONE of which could pass Barrick's required return on investment at $1200 gold.
2. For the second or third time, the frog ignores the question why a purchaser would wait for the target to arrange debt financing at LIBOR + 5-8% and issue 200 million more shares before launching a purported bid? Ribbit, ribbit.
The frog has no desire to contribute anything useful to this board. It wants to puke the same misinformation each and every day, several times per day.
Stockhouse under the Ozzies has made several changes. You get their daily market commentary whether you want it or not, and you can't put annoying frogs, ribbit, ribbit, on ignore. Perhaps someone can correct me if it's still possible to find the "Ignore" function.