Keeler v TysonIn the heat of the moment after seeing someone demean another human-Tyson- for something he likely may not have done but was still convicted for likely because he is darker-skinned, and a man, I stooped to the same level and insulted Keeler. For that I apologize. I also assumed Keeler was a male apologist although she might be a woman. Here's what I should have said: if Tyson truly was guilty, he's done his time and is an Ex-con, and should be allowed to live his life with the same respect anyone else is given. If he was wrongfully convicted, which is what I and many people believe, it is even worse that someone refer to him the way Keeler did. As a men's activist, I do hope that the 'woke' get help to ultimately become illuminated to TRULY awaken, and stop demeaning men, whether brainwashed male apologist or brainwashed woman man-hater. At the same time, I hope shareholders will embrace this excellent opportunity in having Tyson come on board as it will increase revenue. (We own alot of hexo!) He's had a very public tough life, and I for one greatly support this move and will try the product too. That being said, I'm still keeping keeler on Iggy but hoping he/she gets all the help she/he needs. Glta