RE:If this company truly need funds Page 24 of the interim outlines the outstanding warrants. There are 65.8M warrants with an exercise price of $0.47 that expire on Jan 19, 2024. Nobody in their right mind would exercise those with the current SP and knowing that they'll be raising funds in the very near future.
Simply not a realistic outcome prior to expiry. The likely result is a 222M share dilution to raise $20M which would keep the lights on for another year. They are pumping the price now in order to reduce the dilution.
Oban1kenobi wrote: Can they not excercise warrants if it reached the required strike price ??
If it is that easy to pump this puppy up for a cash raise PP, is it not just as easy to bring it to within the required strike price of warrants ??
Lets see if this is truly new beginnings
GLTA, especially to those who held through this Sh!t storm.