RE:DesperadoesThe G7 "leaders" are using the war in Ukraine as a pretext to bring their own poupulation under additional government control. Energy rationing is just one example. They know very well that the useless sanctions they purposely impose on Russia and the billions of $ they send to Ukraine (one of the most corrupt countries in the world) without consulting their own population will bring economic chaos in their own countries which in turn will allow governments to adopt "solutions" that will inevitably result in less freedom for the citizens and more power to governments. Other great "solutions" to the permanent "pandemic", the climate "emergency" and other "crisis" continue to increase government grip over our lives. Europe and the US does not want a resolution of the war in Ukraine. Look at who's profiting for those so called calamities. Government increase their power and those who actually run the show increase the size of their fortune. Fear is the currency of control. People need to open their eyes. From what I have seen since especially since March 2020 the majority seems to have a case of eyes wide shut.