The Who's Who of Tyson 2.ZEROYou heard it here first folks! All the important figures around the Tyson 2.ZERO & Hexo mega deal.
First up, our own Glass "Qunilash" Joe from SH. His investment record is as good as his illustrious boxing record. 1-99. You guys can figure out for yourselves where that ONE win came from 8).
Next up, one of own again and only second in line after Glass "Qiunlash" Joe, our very own Don "Touran77" Flamenco. The Don always runs with the Bull*hit.....errr i mean Bulls.
In third spot, we can't forget the MIA but Allmighty VulcaN987654321 Von Kaiser and all his "great" but completely wrong contributions from the past, including that crazy AZZ red stache of his.
Coming in fourth after the crazy German is the One & Only Soda "TheNewOldtimer" Popinski, straight from the Gulags of Mother Russia. Though he's been totally off since the start on poor Hexo, he's at least persistent. Must be that enormous bald head of his.
And finally the last of the lowely SH crew, the understimated, underappreciated & completely underwater on this investment for eternity. The mezmerizing Great Tiger Of Momocau. Don't let his decpetive record fool you, it fooled all of us! No relation to myself, TheGreat Mr. MoMo of course!
Of course we can't foget all those folks on all the other forums, especially that wonderful pumping ground called Yahoo. So as a represenation for all those folks, we have King "YahOO" Hippo and this shout out goes to all those folks who literally got caught with their pants down like a dear in headlights.
Finally, our guest of honor, that one at the center of all this Hoopla, creating all that BUZZZZ for poor ole "downInTheDumps" Hex, THE Man himslef, Tyson 10.0. Don't ask me what the 10 is for, it just looks good. Maybe 10 times is the charm & this is Hex's lucky day? I'm sure great things are in store for Hex after this amazing collaboration. Can't wait to see what happens LOL