RE:DM's new charger reviewed.
Some additional information. Clippercreek is one of the largest charge station companies in the US. They have partnered with Cyber Switching as well "ClipperCreek and Cyber Switching have joined forces to provide intelligence to ClipperCreek EVSEs with the ability to monitor, control, report, and bill usage. Cyber Switchings Electric Vehicle Master Controller (EVMC) is a networked device that supports four EVSEs on a rotational schedule. The EVMC reports power usage to Cyber Switchings energy management Dashboard or third-party application via Ethernet, WiFi, or cellular connection. If you need to allocate or bill consumption cost to an assigned parking space, the Dashboards tenant billing feature provides a great solution; besides providing real-time monitoring and alerts, the EVMC can also provide a preferred charging rotation and limit use to specific hours. Lastly, if you need to add ClipperCreek EVSEs to your EV Ecosystem, Cyber Switchings EVMC can multiply your existing number of EVSEs by four without additional utility or panel upgrades. Contact your representative to learn more about Cyber Switching."