RE:Lithium Mill Concentrator Timeline
Thanks, good comments and thoughtful analysis. Just a few thoughts.
1. Rick Walker is Chairman of board and his background is construction, blasting, devevelopment of hard rock mines as owner of Consbec since 1975. His family also owns 25% of shares.
2. Trevor Walker is his son. He worked at Consbec for 11 years and was Vice President before coming to FL as CEO. He is part of Walker family that owns 25% of shares. He worked in mining and construction. During his 11 years he workked on projects with GoldCorp, Rio Tinto, Westdome, Barrick, Noranda Agrium, Unimin and other companies.
3. Right now they are lookinmg to prepare PEA by end of year. That will be strong if they prove up the resource. The are working furiously on that right now.
4. Success depends on quantity and quality or resource and also ready access to capital. They also need infrastructure and a good minimg jurisdiction. I think they will figure out the access to capital part and are better positioned to do that with Rick Walker and son owning 25% of shares. I personally think it will require soem sort of partnership, but they want to do it in a way where control of this wonderful asset stays in Canadian hands (their hands as major shareholders company leadership at board and executive level). The benefit to them a smajor sharehoders will extend to us as minor shareholders. They also strongly believe it will be in best interest of the country.
5. Much better for province to do some of the infrastucture as it has dual purpose of serving the indigenous communities, is environmentally very sensitive, is politically complex, and is already underway. Let them do what is underway in any case.
6.. You mention the angry demonstrations against energy, meaning fossil fuels that generate CO2. I am also struck that the very same people will as angrily demonstrateagainst mining of the necessary components to decrease hydrocarbon use. Like copper, nickel, lithium, etc etc.