PURCELL GROUP - COBALTMt Nelson islocated in the - Purcell Geology - group. ( South Eastern, B.C. Canada )
MAP LINK - https://cdn2.apstatic.com/photos/climb/111378051_medium_1494381227.jpg This group stretches right down and into - IDAHO -
What's in Idaho ?
Reknowned - COBALT BELT -
IDAHO COBALT BELT - https://idahochamp.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/image2.jpg LOOK AT THE PINK IDAHO COBALT IN THE SANDS - https://www.mining-technology.com/projects/idaho-cobalt-project/ Driftwood creek depoist - there is a sequence lense called the
purple zone. Below the dolomites.
But... some of the - dolomites do have a green and purple hue, along with pink.
Key colorations that could point to -
cobalt. What i find quite intruiging is,..
There's a purple showing above ground for 350m ( WESTERN DEPOSIT )
And.. a purple showing at depth - with a purple seqence zone over 100m thick.
I wonder if this... 100m+ purple zone matches the sediments of Idah's cobalt zone ?
Idaho... has the greens, pinks and purples.
Has cobalt ever been found in the - B.C. Purcell group -
Comesin the form of....
Yes... MGX should be checking thier Driftwood for ....cobalt
Now... what's with the new project ?
Did they sell the Driftwood ?
Hope so.
If not... then, why snag another project ?
What about the last porject - nicekl + magnesium way up north ?
Doens't make sense.
Hey.. that's a real good phone number in the press.
Cannot take any calls...?
The investment world has literally shut invesotrs out or.... hide behind, Ir's.
I need more information on the Driftwood...
I want answers.
And/... i want MGX to do more assaying.
They have the cores... and the purple showing can be seen above grade.
Even made mention of... - DOLOMITE ROCK is broken open - PINK colors show,.
And there's also green hues... ( 3 colors seem tot check al lthe boxes for - cobalt colors )
What are they waiting for ?
Driftwood - ore and cores were never tested for cobalt.
Even the bulk tonnage tests - they got rid of the calcium carbonate before assaying.
PURCELL GROUP - - B.C. ( same geology zone as,Driftwood.)
Yet.... in Cobalt Ontario, this
same erythrite cobalt can also turn
Check out the Purcell group region online - google maps.
Zoom in... one will see how the Purcell group geology comes down from B.c. and swings right into Idaho... Right into the cobalt belt.