Termination of Automatic Securities Disposition. .To Peter

Good evening Peter

Obviously many people are relieved that you have cancelled the sale of the remaining portion of 800,000 shares especially due to the low stock price at this time and the perception of the CEO doing mass selling of shares which I believe was over 2.5 million since April plus any undeclared as of this evening.
The stopping of sale has raised questions. Can you confirm the current status of the client A project in Brazil and whether the infrastructure has been proceeding and that the SAT test will occur on or before Oct 31 as per the previous delayed schedule announcement of July.
Do you have any information or reason to believe this will not occur and additionally that client A will not be proceeding or will be delaying the Project. 
Can you confirm all the work that pyrogenesis has to do in regards to the install has been completed and we are simply waiting for the client to complete their work.
If proceeding I presume you have staff down there overseeing this and any pictures and specifics you could provide in regards to the status of the infrastructure improvements would be helpful and would reassure your shareholders

Dear Sorrenson,

Glad to see you have posted and have chosen this particular alias from the many you post/manipulate under.  How do I know this should worry you immensely.  Remember… I am on record as saying I will pursue legally all those using illegal, manipulative actions who try to manipulate investors in the hope of gaining by the uncertainty created by the spreading of falsehoods. I have put millions aside just for this cause…some from the selling of shares…I hope the poetic justice of that is not lost on you…

First and foremost, your first paragraph is slanted in such a way as to create doubt and suspicion.  Nothing is said of the fact that I have been, over time, increasing the overall number of shares I own.  Nothing is said of the fact that any sales are such a small % of both my ownership, or volume of stock traded, that it should not effect price. I will not go it any more here as I have spoken to this point many times and if a reader would like to repost my previous posts on the subject, I would welcome it.

With regards to the balance of your questions which again are slanted towards a certain pessimistic view of what is actually an astounding success with mind-boggling implications for the future of PyroGenesis, I will not answer as that is information not in the public domain...but you knew that…and you just wanted a place on this platform (which is stellar by the way, in how they have zero tolerance for manipulators) to soft peddle your poison to unsuspecting investors.

Well, there you have it…totally exposed.

To everyone else: Hope that Helps.
