RE:RE:RE:Liked2ThinkTeamEddie wrote: You are literally confirming everything I said in my post
your lack of intelligence and ability to think does not change reality it just distorts your perception of reality
your examples are ridiculous
"Wasnt acid rain going to kill us all? " - no it was going to alter the states of lakes and it did
"What about the hole in the ozone layer wasnt that going to kill us?"
yes it is a piece of what is occuring but at no point was any scientifc agency saying it was the only factor
"It has since changed from "global warming" to "climate change"
yes people like you and Crunchy are too idiotic to understand the use of the word "warming" as it is the warming that will create the change but initially there will be extremes, like this winter if it is colder idiots will say see its not warming even though it is the warming causing the coldness (for now)
I will not go into the details of how OIL is traded but your example shows ignorance and a lack of intelligence
If I have an ice cube and leave it on a table yes it will melt, if I turn on the oven and put the ice in there yes the ice is still melting but the oven made it happen quciker
and F'CK no assuming you are say 30 your kids will live in a hell if we do not make drastic moves now - you cannot ignore every bit of data
I realize as anyone who has read Crunchys price targets and thoughts over the last few months does is that there are complete f'cking nut jobs posting here
your ignorance and inability to think is creating your perception of reality not reality
So how are you going to "fix it" then?
Electric cars is the fix? BS
Do you want to give up meat? kill all the cows?
Do you ground all planes and ships no travel of any kind?
More carbon taxes? Think that will do it? Politicans plan is to buy us out of this "mess"
What I am saying is to think humans can do anything to change the course of the earth right now is just another example of humans thinking they are so smart and so great and so powerful. The earth views us as an infestation. The earth wont care when we are all gone we wont even be a blip on earths radar as far as its concerned.
The only way to know for sure if you are right is if the entire world is shut down. No cars, trains, planes, engines of any kind. No electricity, no mining, no equipment used to grow food, no plastic, no vacines, go back to herbel medicines, no more refrigerators, no lights no nothing and see how it goes. Who is lining up to do that. Who