RE:Aaaaaargh, Humour meI would first state that 10% having accute episodes would be PART of making a 75% compliance rate for eligible billing. I would also think that 10% of a workforce being out would have a greater effect on ONBOARDING vs whether or not an already onboarded patient is taking their readings at home...sooooooo......
2 million run rate at end of year. 2 to 3 months to gain compliance. We will give the full 3 months because, why wouldn't we. Start of April should therefore be 2 million as a base.
April $2,000,000 SAAS revenue.
May $2,050,000 (a very nominal 1000 new onboards in January due to 10% of staff being out and covid)
June $2,100,000 (same as Jan)
$6,150,000 Saas as base.
6.15 mill X 75% actual compliant for billing is 4.612,000
Now for hardware. Lisa has stated that the majority of sales so far have been hardware and that she expects that to COME DOWN TO 20% of REVENUE by the END OF THE YEAR. Once again, I will give every possible excuse to reliq here and say that it is only 20% already.
That leaves you with a number of approximately 5.8 million in total revenue, where using data of....
the lowest starting rate possible for what reliq claimed to have AT LEAST hit.
75% compliance rate
VERY little onboarding for 3 months from that already onboarded rate.
And the lowest percentage of hardware to sales that could reasonably be given.
teeswater wrote: What would you expect FQ4 to be in revenue IF there is only a 75% compliance rate and IF 10% of patients had an acute episode, and 10% of workforce out with Covid?