Use to be a holder while backI still follow the story now and then. Someone on the Genm boards also posts updates. Ok 1.10 is not what anyone wanted but guess what, it explains why the stock went from the 2 rally to 1.13 again. It wasn't what most have been posting about the increased cost but it was those companies that acquired the shares. They put 150 million in this company at 1.10 ( set a low for now). Also I believe now that they got what they want they will set the price free while supporting the 1.10 line. If you calculate the rising interest rate into 150 million then you will see that this is a better deal than financing. I'm sure Manson had Walford involved while negotiating and I know that Walford does good deals. Their is a lot more gold to be mined in phase 2 plus I believe they will continue making discoveries as they go. Those are my thoughts but what do I know I sold at 2.30 when it went to 3.80 bought in a stock that even at these prices I can only repurchase 86.7 % of my original holding