Deals Large capital deals do not always materialize in a 'months' time frame particularly for multi decade mining companies. To support this statement - Mark Javis w/ Giga Metals states in one of his recent interviews that the deal with Mitsubishi -- though in my opinion was not a good deal for Giga -- took MORE THAN 3 YEARS to materialize as it can be a very slow and drawn out process. Unfortunately he couldn't get funding elsewhere (unlike CNC who raised money through institutional financing -- good deal in my opinion ) and had to take this offer to secure funding -- he states in a prior interview that an equity investment would be the last resort for financing his company. In regards to CNC, we don't need any additional financing at this time -- particularly low ball offers that would further dilute or take a large equity portion of the company for a meger amount of money. I can definitely foresee off take agreements in the near future from either automotive or battery companies - hence the quiet insider trading in my opinion.