Reply to masfurtunamasfurtuna wrote:
"#1 Where did you get that they have 1.5 billion in debt? Not according to their last q anyways. And this 3rd quarter comes to an end this week so expect another massive pay down on the actual existing debt of 1.162 billion to have already taken place. "
That's just long term debt, you forgot to include dcom of aprox $500M which is more serious debt obligations than just long term debt. But this is easily overlooked by the inexperienced/naive or completely ommitted by those who are suspect with an agenda.
#2 Where did you get that we have already reached the peak of this bull cycle? Bull cycles last more than 1 year traditionally with about 5-7 years being the avg.. You calim that you have had 30 years investing in O&G. Ok show me exactly how you concluded that we have peaked and will now be in steady decline. Shouldn't be that hard with your experience in this sector.
My evaluation of the situation is based on a vast experience, basic economics & all current events.,..... You can call it only an opinion if you like,,,,,but at your own peril of course! Basing this solely on past cycles would be a grave error, as there are conditions & factors that didn't exist in past cycles. This is of course all my opinion (at least some parts lol) if you don't agree with it, that's fine.....i guess lol. You do realize the whole sector including O&G pricing has been on a steady decline since 2000 right? Maybe you missed that too....
"#3 Why did you conclude that Bte needs to divest itself of assets? Last time I checked, they are developping Clearwater at a pretty good pace NOT reducing production. And what assets do you think they should get rid of? And to whom?"
I won't repeat myself again, all that you need to know & require to answer your questions are in the my original post. Just re-read it again....It will at least tell you why
"In sum, I don't have 30years experienc in the O&G sector, but I call BS on your post. Was your 30 years in this sector spent working for an O&G in Fort mcMurray making food in theircafeteria?"
Yeah, i figured as much. Most people who are completely blind or ignorant or both usually make a ludicruous silly statement similiar to yours above.......and they pay a very hefty finanical price in the end when eventually proven wrong. So think that if you will, it's your prerogative LOL. But i do wish you luck.....