Chart downtrendIf you draw a line from March high down to Aug high it's apparent that TVE is in a downtrend and from June to Sept has traded sideways and the one thing that would have been convincing would have been seeing an uptrend starting from the date of the acquisition but nothing. I'm not bashing TVE because I trade it daily but I would like to have seen something change and what I mean by a change is to have seen the stock open up $1 but nothing and you have to go by the trading pattern and no matter how many NR they have doesn't change the real facts of zero SP increase. I'm sure that the pumpers will say "what are you talking about? we're up a penny" There would have been nothing better than to buy TVE on the morning of the announcement and by the close having it up $1. I really think that another 10 NR might help. JMHO