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Royal Helium Ltd. V.RHC

Alternate Symbol(s):  RHCCF | V.RHC.WT.A | V.RHC.WT.B

Royal Helium Ltd. is a Canada-based company, with a primary focus on the production and development of helium and associated gases and is currently producing helium from its Steveville project in Southern Alberta. Its helium reservoir at Steveville is carried primarily with nitrogen. Nitrogen is not a greenhouse gas (GHG) and therefore have a low GHG footprint when compared to plants in other jurisdictions that rely on large scale natural gas production for helium extraction.

TSXV:RHC - Post by User

Post by SkywalkerofLukeon Sep 16, 2022 2:54pm
Post# 34967662



There is an ongoing global helium shortage affecting a number of industries and one of the companies out there exploring for it is RHC.v RHCCF who are based in southern Saskatchewan.

A lot of ppl. have been talking about their long-term agreement with a major North American space launch company which I think has clouded the other great things RHC has been doing. For example they purchased IHC this past summer which brought 2 production ready helium wells accelerating RHC ‘s production profile and creating an opportunity for near term cash flow from multiple fields. 

I think as we see the Climax project, along with the 2 wells from IHC continue to progress and deliveries of helium with the space launch company begin to be delivered, RHC will be moving. What do you guys think?

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