RE:THESo much time has passed we can put this in perspective. This largely unknown Canadian HVAC company has a subsidiary that (due to brilliance, creativity, sense of urgency and responsiveness - hats off to Brad Young) develops the device of the moment. News gets out and the sp of this unknown podunk littles HVAC company goes ballistic (as one woulld expect)..... what happened after that Paul, eh?
Yep, that is entirely on you Ghezzi You have people all over the world holding your trash stock waiting for it to get right. Was the world not ready for Biocloud ?- or was CEMSI planted in a barren filed and left to wither. There are forces at work just as in nature. But as with anything else there are elements of will and judgement that come into play.
So, report back to your boss that folks are still calling him a Ghezzhole. If that seems harsh maybe he would be more comfortable with loser. Like the rest of us who had hope that this podunk HVAC company would nurture and ultimately harvest the yield of the money tree that sprung up in its backyard. Nope, the wrong guy was in charge. Ouch!