Dragoon wrote: Another angle to try is Ngai (Roy) Ho who works in Canada. I found his LinkedIn profile linkedin.com/in/roy-ho-18520043 But no luck getting a reply yet. His LinkedIn page clearly shows Vital Energy in the CV. An email I found is roy.ho@amberfinancial.com where he works according to LinkedIn.
-> Anyone with a Crunchbase account? There might be contact info of Robert 'Bob' Gillies (CFO) and Hai Zhao (Chairman and large investor), as both seems to have an account: https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/vital-energy/people.
Remember inside ownership 67% https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/VUX.V/holders?p=VUX.V
Another is Hai Zhou (Chairman), I found the email with trial and error, hzhou@vitalenergyoil.com
And company contact info (but I never got a phone/email reply): https://www.vitalenergyoil.com/contact.html
Inside ownership 67% https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/VUX.V/holders?p=VUX.V
The other contact is Yingchuan Wu in last year press release. They actually made a damn press release! Just hit next one on the wire!
Tel: (403) 615-5827 Fax: (403) 699-6990 Email: ycwu@vitalenergyoil.com
I don't see news on the wire unless investors push management. Then management gets tired, or see reason, and puts news on the wire so investors will stop contacting. The end result is getting them to use something like Newsfilecorp and we have a large bunch of marketing. I think its a numbers game unless we find the right person to reach out to. Or someone needs to live close to the office and can meet face to face by ringing their doorbell. https://www.vitalenergyoil.com/about/management-team.html
-> Remember WCE.V that became a multibagger this Spring with a first time news on the wire and VUX already got the Financials + Drilling in the MDA and RiggerTalk website.