Who sees a $2.50 NanoXplore share price once again?You can bet your assest that during this interim period plenty of "high net worth clients", who would respectively be fully "serviced" by or on behalf of the known previous bought deal capital financing underwriters when selling short GRA shares once again, certainly do.
These high net worth clients and their facilitators would pretend in contending, once again, that it's the overall equities market sentiment and resulting downbeat "risk off" environment which is playing a central role in any would be orchestrated selloff of NanoXplore shares, during the interim period of churning shares amongst one another to the downside.
Don't ever believe such disingenuous and outright bullpucky spreading kinds of analysts et al., and the very lieges they serve.
It's rinse and repeat people. We've been here before - certainly not willingly I am sure.
The vacuum created during this no follow-up NanoXplore news interim period, coupled with the U.S Federal Reserve choosing to continue increasing interest rates yet again (possibly a full 1%) and the consequentially resulting equities markets correction being clearly triggerd leading into this coming Wednesday . . .
Suffice to say that the resulting volatility created has begun once again to be been borne and would continue to be disproportionately borne by the equities prices of companies such as NanoXplore and far too many more quite intentionally "unsupported" (in NanoXplore's case, intentionally unsupported by or on behalf of the known $30 Million bougt deal underwriters et al) publicly traded equities issers.
I could be wrong about this. What do you think?