wildbird1 wrote: Let's try to understand why TLT is including a TR(CR+PR) line in their data.
Google "Cancer Partial Response & Partial Remission" and you will find 3 interesting facts.
1) "Partial Response" mean the same thing as "Partial Remission".
2) For some patients Partial Response (Partial Remission) can last a
3) If you are a PR patient, you can take
a break from treatment, and keep your Bladder.
In this link
https://webmd.com/cancer/remission-what-does-it-mean It said " Partial Remission means the cancer is still there, but your tumor has gotten smaller (usually 30 to 50% smaller). If you are in Partial Remission, it may mean you can take
a break from treatment as long as the cancer doesn't begin to grow again".
If you can take a break from treatment, it does mean you will also keep your bladder as long as you are a PR patient(could be for the rest of your life).
Let's take a look at the 270 days data.
Note 1) didn't use the 360&450 day data because we don't know how many Optimized patient are included in the 360&450 days data, versus 18 verifiable Optimized patients at 270 days.
Pressrelease Aug 29,2022.
270 days data (including 18 Optimized patients).
CR...........................13 patients.......41%
PR.............................7 patients.......22%
TR(CR+PR).............20 patients.......63% The above mean that 63% of patients still have their bladder at 270 days.
Not bad considering this....The category of patients that the FDA gave to TLT for treatments didn't respond to any available treatments, and these patients were 100% guaranteed to lose their bladder.
For these patients, Partial Response(in Remission) is a huge relief.
Keep in mind that the 63%TR at 270 days include the 12 undertreated patients(the FDA know this).
Note: In Dec 2022, 18 Optimized patients will have completed their 450 days data, the current 33%TR will definitively be much higher.
The more you understand the data, the more you realize that the FDA BTD approval in Dec 2022, is in the bag.