Golddigger East

Gold Swarm

Exploration in 2017 resulted in the discovery of the Gold Swarm zone with mineralization extending over an area of 115 by 95 metres. The zone remains open in all directions. The Gold Swarm zone is characterized by quartz veins, stockwork and breccia zones that are variably mineralized with pyrite, chalcopyrite, bornite and galena (link to maps & photos). Initial assays from outcrop grabs have returned grades up to 21.1 grams per tonne gold, 214 grams per tonne silver, 3.23 percent lead and 0.26 percent copper from different samples (see Table 1 below). Based on these very encouraging initial results, an extensive program including geological mapping, prospecting, channel sampling, soil and silt sampling has been recommended for the 2018 exploration season to outline the full geometry of the zone in preparation for drilling.

The Gold Swarm zone and eastern side of the Golddigger property is underlain by inter-fingered bimodal volcanic rocks similar to the Iskut River Formation. The Iskut River Formation of the Hazleton Volcanic Group hosts the high-grade Eskay Creek deposit.

The geologic setting in this under explored area has excellent discovery potential due to its location within Hazelton Group rocks, the same stratigraphic unit that hosts Auryn Resources Inc’s Homestake Ridge deposit and Pretium Resources Inc.’s Brucejack deposit. The property is also situated within two kilometres of the unconformity between Lower Hazelton and Stuhini rocks, also known as the “Red Line” boundary where the vast majority of major deposits have been found within the Golden Triangle.