MOUNT BRUSSLOF - ( baymag magnesite depoist ) REE'sWelll... whadaya know....
Go figure.
Mount Brussilof fersmite is rich in Nb, Th, and heavy REE, and poor in Ta. Individual fersmite crystals are strongly zoned in terms of Na, Ti, Fe, Y, all REE, Ta, Pb isotopes (204Pb, 206Pb, 207Pb, and 208Pb), Th, and U, suggesting that the chemical composition of hydrothermal or carbohydrothermal fl uids from which fersmite precipitated evolved with time. The textural and chemical properties of the Mount Brussilof fersmite differ from those found in carbonatite- and pegmatite-related deposits.
The zonation, non-metamict appearance, and enrichment in Nb relative to Ta of the Mount Brussilof fersmite may help to distinguish fersmite formed in similar settings (alpine-clefts) from fersmite formed in pegmatites, peralkaline intrusions, carbonatites, and other geological environments, and enhance its use as a direct indicator mineral (3) (PDF) Characterization of primary fersmite from the Mount Brussilof magnesite deposit, southeastern British Columbia, Canada.
_Brussilof_magnesite_deposit_southeastern_British_Columbia_Canada Magnesite Deposit pointed out in research paper - That would be - BayMags - wink.
IF ONE OPENS THIS LINK BELOW - You will be able to access the map - set it @ 5km -
look westerly - what do you see ?
Bugaboo Park.
MGX's Driftwood is right beside the park - 20 yr mine lease - he,he,he...
2001 assay report - Nb + Y .... and a few other Ree's - maybe uranium too...
Bigaboo has it in the valley adjacent to Droftwood. TRY TO FIND INTEL ON - BAYMAG ? Yet another Aris report comes up -
not found ! I actually accessed this report not that long ago - commented on this website about their
9 drill holes -now it has bene scrubbed ?
What gives with all these reports from Aris - not able to acceess them ?
Not imprerssed.
Nine diamond drill holes drilled in previous years, which ultimatety result in the calculation of mineable reserves and the design of the mineable pit, can only ...
46 pages
So... our neighbor - baymag - directly east of Driftwood, also has the Ree's.
Ahhh... ha...!